In Which Your Humble Blogger is a total crank.
In Which Your Humble Blogger likes a television show of the 2020s.
In Which Your Humble Blogger really does intend to write stuff for this Tohu Bohu again, just as soon as there is anything to say.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is down but not out.
In Which Your Humble Blogger thinks there is something missing from the conversation.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is usually cranky about something, innit? But it's fine. It's all fine.
In Which Your Humble Blogger refrains from quoting Whitman, but just barely.
In Which Your Humble Blogger would probably keep the part about the tontine, but honestly, that could go, too.
In Which Your Humble Blogger would absolutely eat an extra-long Farmer John hot dog (called D*dgerdogs at the park) in memory.
In Which Your Humble Blogger does not point out that the person in question ran for the same office two years ago and got twenty percent of the vote.