Gentle Readers will want to be aware that tomorrow, April 17, is Poem In Your Pocket Day. The Academy of American Poets suggests that you “select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends on April 17.”
Your Humble Blogger passes this information along without prejudice, for what it is worth.
Well, and for those who are worried about a long night paging through the Holy Tango for the right title, may I suggest Opine, Pout, Mockery, which I’ll just excerpt here:
It is more blessed to be governed than to govern
When I am Dean of Men
Which, if there were any justice in this world
I should long ago have become
I will make you sorry you were ever born.
Dreary old highbrow?
Hubert, my dear, where DID you get that scarf?
Tolerabimus quod tolerare debemus,
I haven’t memorized many poems. I mean, I remember that one about that guy from Nantucket, but that’s about it. I must endeavor to do better.
haiku written with
no inspiration are not
very good, are they?