So, Your Humble Blogger mentioned the possibility that Leave it to Psmith would be a read-aloud book for the household, and indeed it was. And as Gentle Reader Jacob pointed out, Leave it to Psmith is no longer under copyright protection, which means that I can, in theory, broadcast a recording of myself reading it aloud to my household.
And so I shall. Not immediately—there is one section that I evidently didn't save the file for, and a couple of other bits and bobs of things to be done, and with one thing and another I certainly wouldn't expect to post anything within a week at the very least, and probably more like a month. But it will happen.
I do have a few comments and questions before I begin posting the files, though. I have never done anything like this before, here on this Tohu Bohu or elsewhere, and I don’t listen to podcasts or any such things myself, so I don’t know how people who might be interested in listening to this guff would prefer to scarf up the digital decibels. I don’t even have a sense of what the options are. So the question: how should I post this stuff? It’s about eight and a half hours, altogether, currently broken in to some forty-odd files of varying lengths, from entire chapters of twenty minutes or so to individual parts of a few pages and a few minutes in length.
The book itself has fourteen chapters, which are mostly divided into smaller sections. I could give each chapter an individual post, including a single file of the entire chapter (of however many sections). Some of those would be very long files—the first chapter is almost an hour in itself, and I think there are other chapters that would be longer than that. Or I could give each chapter a post, including between one and six files for each section, depending of course on how many sections that chapter has. That would make a lot of sense to me, but would mean extra clicking for y’all. I suppose I could do both within the post, and y’all could choose. Or I could just post each section in their own individual posts, since it’s not as if it costs more to add a few more posts. Or I could presumably sling up the whole thing as a single post, with links to all the files for y’all to download as you like. Or I could do it as eight more-or-less hour long chunks, ready to be burned to CD and played in a car that has a CD-player, like mine does. What would y’all like?
Alternately—Is this the right place for sharing this? Is there some other platform that would be more convenient, or just generally better? I wouldn’t object to
As for the recordings themselves—I want to emphasize that these are not professional recordings. It’s me, reading to my family, but with a microphone. I didn’t do second-takes. If I stumble over a passage, it’s in the recording. If I crack up, it’s in the recording. If someone else in the room laughs, it’s in the recording. If the Youngest Member asks a question, or the Perfect Non-Reader of this blog expostulates, it’s probably audible in the background, and if I respond, I haven’t edited it out. I didn’t do a lot of that, but it’s there. I don’t want anyone to start listening under the impression it’s a flawless recording that is ready to go up on Audible. I think it’s a good reading, and a lot of fun, and I think the voices largely come off pretty well, albeit some are better than others, but it’s just a guy reading to his household.
If y’all want the real YHB household experience, I’d post in chunks of about twenty minutes or so, five or six evenings a week, lasting about a month or so. And there would be tea, of course.
For what it’s worth, here’s an outtake, or a preview, or something like that.
Tolerabimus quod tolerare debemus,
We should do a storyreading the next time you’re in town.
I would enjoy that!
We would too, very much.
We listen to audiobooks in the car as single giant recordings that whatever app we’re listening to it in (overdrive or hoopla) keeps track of where we were. But I don’t know how to get something into overdrive or hoopla myself — those are audiobooks we borrow from our library within the app. Still, I think I’d rather have fewer pieces to download and keep a manual count if I have to of where we left off rather than try to figure out how to have a lot of different files and find the right one to play next.