Author Archives: Vardibidian

We Apologize for the Inconvenience

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Semi-catastrophic computer failure has reduced Your Humble Blogger to a shell of his former shell. If I can’t make some sort of order out of the Microsoft tohu bohu currently inside the box, I will not be posting any reasonable…

Conservative Tenet # 2

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2. The natural inequality of men, except in the equal possession of a precious soul and inviolable personality Hoo-hah. Natural inequality of men. And women, too, I suppose. And the trouble is, I’m in agreement with Mr. Rossiter’s Conservative on…

Conservative Tenet # 1

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Your Humble Blogger posted a list of Beliefs in the Conservative Tradition yesterday, as a prelude to doing some serious thinking about them. This is the first note in a series; I may do each one separately, or do some…

Puff Piece: PMQ

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Your Humble Blogger has been terribly cranky over the last week or so. On principle, I try to write a puff piece for every hatchet job, but I expect it will run more like two to one on the bad…

The Conservative Tradition

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I came across the following, and thought I’d post it up; I’m still thinking about it, and I intend to post my thoughts later. Two things, though, before the excerpt: First, I am not a Conservative, neither in the modern…


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I’ve just been reading a fascinating essay by Joseph Epstein, where he takes the view that we have too much information, too much knowledge even, and would be better off with less. I find that view wrongheaded, but have to…

Pledge of Allegiance

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I’m glad to see that the Ninth Circuit Appellate Court has denied the petition to rehear the Pledge of Allegiance case (Newdow). First of all, I think the case was decided correctly; second, I agree with the concurring opinion…