The first new book Your Humble Blogger read in the new year was Garth Nix’s Mister Monday, from the Keys to the Kingdom (New York: Scholastic 2003). It was, well, good enough. It’s a juvenile fantasy, fairly dark, with quite…
Another book Your Humble Blogger re-read whilst unpacking boxes of books was John Barnes’ One for the Morning Glory (New York: Tor Fantasy 1996). Gentle Readers, if you haven’t read this one, go out and read it now. Now, don’t…
Among the things I re-read whilst moving and packing was Laurie R. King’s A Letter of Mary (New York: Bantam Books 1996). It’s … fine. I think it’s my least favorite of the Mary Russell series. For the uninitiate, a…
Heigh-ho Gentle Readers all. Your Humble Blogger is has decided to expand this Tohu Bohu a trifle; I’ll be doing an entry on each book I read as of the beginning of the year. I expect that I’ll only to…