In Which Your Humble Blogger opens up the lid and blows the dust off.
In Which Your Humble Blogger was surprised by how little dialogue there is in the series, actually.
In Which Your Humble Blogger read some book over six months or so.
In Which Your Humble Blogger combines the list and stats into one post.
In Which Your Humble Blogger likes some books a lot more than expected, or about as much as expected, depending on which set of expectations are taken.
In Which Your Humble Blogger would probably keep the part about the tontine, but honestly, that could go, too.
In Which Your Humble Blogger has read some books, a couple of them on actual paper.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is grumpy. Grumpy Blogger! So grumpy.
In Which Your Humble Blogger still reads books, even if they don't show up on the blog much these days.