TV Report: King Lear
In Which Your Humble Blogger is just a trifle disappointed, whilst weeping like a fountain.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is just a trifle disappointed, whilst weeping like a fountain.
In Which Your Humble Blogger throws out a question for y’all, just hypothetically.
In Which Your Humble Blogger counts to five.
In Which Your Humble Blogger spoils the movie In Bruges, although it is still unspoiled in the larger sense.
In Which Your Humble Blogger spoils two movies, one of which was spoiled to begin with.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is Grumpy, and Sleepy, and Sneezy, with itchy eyes and ears, and a post-nasal drip. But do I let that spoil the mood, Gentle Readers? You bet your ass I do!
In Which Your Humble Blogger reveals his cultural illiteracy. Again.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is sick again, damn it, and doesn’t see why anybody else should have a good time, particularly those jerks from New Mexico. Forty-seven, pah.