In Which Your Humble Blogger would also accept "Margaret of Anjou leading an army of the undead."
In Which Your Humble Blogger guides you to the set of doors on the left, halfway up the building, then on the main floor your right.
In Which Your Humble Blogger neglects to rant about how foolish his Party was not to abolish the nonsensical "debt limit" when they had the chance.
In Which Your Humble Blogger was exposed, again, but has tested negative, again.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is back to hocking about whatever the hell he has been hocking about for twenty years now, jeez.
In Which Your Humble Blogger emphasizes the importance of writing a new haggadah every year, while keeping it exactly the same.
In Which Your Humble Blogger attempts a counterfactual.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is not unmindful of the difficulties.
In which Your Humble Blogger isn't sure if it still counts as pathetic Anglophilia, if it's mostly coming from South Asia.
In Which Your Humble Blogger was profoundly wrong about a lot of stuff, but also correct about some things, alas.