In Which Your Humble Blogger actually read the whole transcript, which was pretty funny at times, including a great moment about Our Previous President and some shorts.
In Which Your Humble Blogger would also accept "Margaret of Anjou leading an army of the undead."
In Which Your Humble Blogger is back to hocking about whatever the hell he has been hocking about for twenty years now, jeez.
In Which Your Humble Blogger attempts a counterfactual.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is not unmindful of the difficulties.
In Which Your Humble Blogger expresses an instinct that is what it is.
In Which Your Humble Blogger does find it amusing, in a terribly immature way, that MAGA is evidently acquiring low-quality but comically oversized horns in vast quantities.
In Which Your Humble Blogger hates and fears change, particularly change for the worse.
In Which Your Humble Blogger just puts out in pixels what's been racing through the midnight mind.
In Which Your Humble Blogger thinks about the news in a sideways kind of way.