In Which Your Humble Blogger used to care about (and even occasionally blog about) the Oscars.
In Which Your Humble Blogger could be wrong in the basic assumption, of course, but it's not clear how much that would even matter.
In Which Your Humble Blogger gets a kick out of you.
In Which Your Humble Blogger has been bound bound in filial obligation for some term to do obsequious sorrow.
In Which Your Humble Blogger rises.
In Which Your Humble Blogger has an observation that may be wrong but is unlikely to age as poorly as the last one.
In Which Your Humble Blogger posts something that will be out of date very, very soon.
In Which Your Humble Blogger combines the list and stats into one post.
In Which Your Humble Blogger likes some books a lot more than expected, or about as much as expected, depending on which set of expectations are taken.
In Which Your Humble Blogger still likes pretty lights and fried foods. And gambling!