Archive for New-to-me Words

flat chat

Apparently, "flat chat" is Australian slang for "flat-out busy," as in "I've been flat chat at work[....] I've had absolutely no time to blog[....]" (from an entry in ModBlog -...


"[...] Not some mullah, some sepoy, wearing out my chappals in hard service.[...]" --White Teeth, by Zadie Smith, 2000; p. 74 of the 2000 Vintage International trade paperback edition...


"What coil are you keeping down there, Mullugutherum?" --The Silver Chair, by C. S. Lewis, written around 1953; p, 157 of the 1994 HarperTrophy paperback edition MW11 says "coil"...


The basename is dirified (spaces replaced by underscores, other punctuation removed) in order to create a valid URL. --Movable Type 3.2 User Manual: Entry basename Anil Dash says: "Dirified...


'Puddleglum,' they've said, 'you're altogether too full of bobance and bounce and high spirits.[...]' --The Silver Chair, by C. S. Lewis, written around 1953; p, 76 of the 1994...