jjj: Marketing Buzzwords: list

This list adapted from Tom Davis' Buzzword Bingo program (I may rewrite that in perl one of these days...). It is not to be considered complete or canonical; I'll probably ignore any additional items sent to me.

  • Action Item
  • Alpha Release
  • Attack The Problem
  • Authoring
  • Ball's In Your Court
  • Bandwidth
  • Big Win
  • Bite The Bullet
  • Blows Them Away
  • Challenge
  • Close The Loop
  • Collateral
  • Content (n.)
  • Context Switch
  • Core Competency
  • Critical Path
  • Culture Change
  • Customer Focus
  • Cutting Edge
  • Deliverables
  • Dialogue With
  • Disincent
  • Do The Right Thing
  • Drop Dead Date
  • Empowerment
  • Enterprise-Wide
  • Execution
  • Feedback
  • First Class
  • Focus
  • Functionality Freeze
  • GUI
  • Going Forward
  • Gold Star
  • Guesstimate
  • Impact (v.)
  • Incent (v.)
  • Interface
  • Issue
  • Key Players
  • Kick-Ass Graphics
  • Knock Your Socks Off
  • Leading Edge
  • Leverage
  • Make It Happen
  • Massively Parallel
  • Mind Blowing
  • Mindshare
  • Neophyte
  • Object Oriented
  • Offline
  • On Board
  • On Your Plate
  • One On One
  • Opportunity
  • Out Of The Loop
  • Paradigm Shift
  • Pass The Baton
  • Price Point
  • Proactive
  • Productized
  • Raise A Flag
  • Rathole
  • Reference (v.)
  • Resolution
  • Revolutionary
  • Ride The Wave
  • Sanity Check
  • Scenarios
  • Signage
  • Sign Off On
  • Skillset
  • Solution
  • Standard
  • State Of The Art
  • Story
  • Synergy
  • Take The Initiative
  • Talk To The Issue
  • Tangent
  • Team Building
  • Team Player
  • Time Frame
  • Touch Base
  • Transition (v.)
  • Up To Speed
  • User Friendly
  • Utilize
  • Value-Added
  • Wearing Different Hats
  • Whatever It Takes
  • Win-Win
  • Working The Issue
  • World Class

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