HTML footnotes
A demonstration of one way to implement footnotes in HTML.
Programming language proposal: C!!!
A proposal for a loud and violent programming language, to be called C!!!
3D graphics in VRML
VRML is the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, a 3D graphics format and language. I was involved in the VRML community in the 1990s; this set of pages includes some VRML models that I made on my own, as well as VRML models for the examples from the VRML book that I co-wrote. You can view all of these models in 3D in your web browser.
Biohazard symbol in PostScript
PostScript code for drawing a biohazard symbol.
Name parser/normalizer
A PHP function that attempts to parse Anglo-style names into separate forenames and surnames.
Turning text upside-down
A Perl program to turn a string of English letters upside-down.
Follow Me!
A bare-bones game based on Simon; the computer displays a sequence of colored lights, and you have to repeat the sequence. Written in JavaScript in 1999, mostly using JavaScript functions supplied by Dreamweaver; still works in 2023.
Magazine fiction budget calculator
A toy calculator that lets you specify various parameters to find out what your budget should be for buying fiction for a magazine.
Old intro to HTML
A simple HTML page containing information on how to create an HTML page. Created in the 1990s.