Your Humble Blogger recently came across Making Globalization Good – The Moral Challenges of Global Capitalism, ed. John H. Dunning, Oxford University Press, 2003. I don’t claim to have read all of any of the chapters, but I skimmed a…
One of the points of looking in detail at the Conservative Tenets was to see where Your Humble Blogger was in agreement, as well as the dissent. I’ve found a bit of agreement, and a lot of disagreement, as well…
Your Humble Blogger often gets caught up on throwaway lines in the middle of otherwise perfectly reasonable columns. The latest is from E.J. Dionne, Jr. in this morning’s Washington Post, in which he says: [Senator John] Kerry’s speech underscores that…
Where’s the outrage? OK, I know where the outrage is, and it’s sitting in the heads of some of the readers of this very blog, but still. The BBC is reporting that not only were we all misled about what…
Well, and Your Humble Blogger has been at this Tohu Bohu for a hundred days now. A hundred days seems like a long time, and it’s true that a hundred days ago, for instance, Saddam Hussein ruled in Baghdad, but…
Lately, Your Humble Blogger has been reading a few columns about the economy; here’s one from the Boston Globe, and Safire from this morning’s Times. They are pretty typical of the stuff I’ve been reading on either side, in that…
Your Humble Blogger will get back to the rambling, links, and general Tohu Bohu soon; now it’s time for the Conservative Tenets 12. The essential role of religious feeling in man and organized religion in society. As usual, we start…
By the way, in addition to the Daily Howler, liberals with too much time and bandwidth should probably put Working for Change on their daily checkum list. In addition to hosting a variety of syndicated columnists (and a few cartoons),…
Your Humble Blogger went to the National Baseball Hall of Fame this winter, so now that there’s active discussion in the baseball world about what constitutes a Hall of Famer, that qualifies me to chime in, doesn’t it? If you’re…
The Money Factory has announced the design of the new Henrys. They don’t look as much like Fonda as the last ones did. Thank you, -Vardibidian….