Reconstruction work

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There were three entries demolished on Monday, one of them (as I’ve said) was a note on Conservative Tenet # 8; I will write a new one, soon. One of the others was a link to the Who Owns What…

Worth reading

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Here’s a trifle of a column by Sean Gonsalves. It’s quite nice, in that proud parent way, and although it isn’t what I would call a logically persuasive argument, its anecdotal rhetoric is compelling. And what do you want to…

Now you see it…

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… and now you don’t. Due to a server emergency, evidently unrelated to the actual content of this blog, my entries from 28th April have vanished. They were, of course, witty, timely, provocative, and insightful, and they are gone forever….


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I happened recently to be near a seven-year-old boy, who, on seeing the morning newspaper, said to his mother “Isn’t the war over yet?” No real comment. He was born in peacetime. Thank you,-Vardibidian….

Good morning, here’s the newspaper and your coffee.

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A couple of interesting op-ed columns in this morning’s New York Times: Nicholas D. Kristof writes about whether the hawks or the doves were closer to right about Iraq. He quotes himself from a column last September as saying “If…

Conservative Tenet # 7

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For those of you just joining us, Your Humble Blogger is going through a list of aspects of Conservatism to see where I agree and where I do not. So far I’m up to 7. The consequent desirability of diffusing…


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Your Humble Blogger is back, and, having replied to a few comments, finds himself with a new toy! Yes, it’s the Blue Letter Bible, a Really Useful concordance and commentary collection. I don’t endorse their theology (I barely endorse my…