Archive for Stage 4: Alexandria, Part I
In which Jed settles into Barbara’s house, attempts to deal with a burst pipe, and finally gets his car’s electrical system fixed. And decides not to attend the Moving Worlds VRML conference.
In which Jed updates his address book, revises a story, calls his grandmother for her birthday, and prepares to visit CA to attend the VRML 97 conference.
In which Jed visits various DC-area war memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, and Mt. Vernon. And prepares to get his passport renewed for a forthcoming trip to the UK, which he doesn't bother mentioning is in the works. And has a bad email week, and attends a Washington Romance Writers meeting.
In which Jed does many touristy things in the Washington, DC area, including visiting the Holocaust Museum and the National Cathedral, and then flies to California.