Archive for Stage 8: Swarthmore
In which Jed drives to Swarthmore, stays with Jim and Jere7my, and is impressed with the Nintendo 64’s 3D graphics.
In which Jed participates in a Full Moon Rallye, gets his passport renewed, and has a birthday.
In which Jed hangs out with friends (including at least two Melissas), discusses his overuse of the phrase “hanging out,” discovers the joys of adequate footgear in the snow, and attends a roundsing.
In which Jed does a lot more juggling than he’s ever done before or since, and attends a guided walk through Crum Woods. Plus the usual games and hanging out.
In which Jed walks in the Crum some more, visits various friends in Philadelphia, and goes to a Rodin exhibit. Plus a roundsing, Live Chess, and waltzing in public for the second time ever.