A probably unnecessary brief set of definitions for possibly unfamiliar terms I mention.
- con
- Short for "convention." sf cons are the glue that holds the sf world together: places for fans and creators to meet, talk, interact, have parties.
- filk
- sf songs. Filk can refer to lyrics and/or music written by an sf author or fan; or it can refer to any new set of lyrics written to be sung to an existing tune. The term derives from a smeared mimeograph that printed "folksong" so it looked like "filksong." I'll provide a link to some filk pages when I get a chance.
- GM
- Gamemaster. The person who runs an RPG.
- Internet Service Provider.
- Roleplaying game. A cross between improv acting and group storytelling, sometimes using dice to introduce random elements into the story.
- sf
- science fiction, or speculative fiction (can include fantasy, horror, and so on).
(Last updated: 1/20/97)