
Best recent line from a spam comment:

For that brief moment of today I had a little bit of sanity and than I had to hit the pavement to go look for a job. At around 9am I came to an impithany. I have no advantage entering the business world.

I was initially just amused, and then it occurred to me that this could be a useful way to track how well your comment spam is doing; you can include a nonstandard word and then search for it. But at the moment, there's only one Google result for impithany and it appears to be nonspam. So I'm back to being just amused.

2 Responses to “impithany”

  1. Anonymous

    just needed to look how to spell it but ive just had an impithany (copy & paste) 🙂 thanks bye

    • Jed

      Heh–in case anyone else finds this page while looking for spelling advice: As far as I know, “impithany” is a misspelling of “epiphany.”


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