Is it esculent?

esculent: edible, fit to be eaten

According to dictionary,com, it originates in the 1620s, from L. esculentus, from esca “food,” from PIE *ed- “to eat” (see eat). (Link and usage examples here)

I saw it a while back and hadn’t gotten around to following up on the idea that it would make a great first post from me on Words & Stuff. In ironic timing, I’ve just encountered a box of non-free airline food (helpful tip: don’t buy the tapas box on United flights, it’s not worth it) that I considered only barely “esculent” by dint of my impending hangryness. (For which see next item!)

8 Responses to “Is it esculent?”

  1. Ian D Osmond

    I only recently encountered this word for the first time, in the song “The Medicines” by The Taxpayers, which I know as the theme song for the medical history podcast “Sawbones”. It has a line describing medicines as “the esculent macabre for the mouth”.

  2. CuteBean

    I’m here for the exact same reason. I heard that song on sawbones and I just have to know what esculent macabre means.

  3. Drew Cifer

    me too. Sawbones.
    Edible Death?

  4. Jed

    Interesting—thanks, all! I hadn’t encountered that song.

    A commenter on Genius suggests that the line means that “These drugs are consumable to a point, but when taken too far they can result in death.” Sounds plausible to me.

  5. Beth

    Same! Sawbones. We are learning about misguided medicine, and expanding our vocabularies at the same time.

  6. mol

    sawbones too !!!

  7. Gman

    Sawbones podcast. I had to look up the lyrics then the word esculent.


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