
Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos is a book, published around 1825, containing a paragraph for each letter of the alphabet; each entry adds something new at the start and then repeats everything that came before.

The book described itself as a game, in which players were to quickly read entries aloud, without stumbling. Some of the entries included long nonsense names or words.

There’s a copy of the text online, but I can’t tell how close a copy it is of the original. That page says that the book was originally published by Dean and Munday in November of 1824; I’m guessing it was originally British. But the US Library of Congress has a scan of an 1825 American edition freely available online, and the text doesn’t quite match what’s on that other page.

So I decided to transcribe the American edition. I made a few small changes for consistency—fixed a couple of things that were clearly typos, changed when to as in a few places so that each entry would use the same phrasing, etc—but my text here is a close match to the text of that 1825 version. I’m not including the images from the book right now, but it’s possible that I’ll come back and add them at some point, or maybe even turn this into a full-fledged ebook.














[Two images here, one of which includes the following text:]


A New Christmas Game, for,

merry Parties.

[Another page here that just repeats the cover text.]



The party must be provided with counters.

There are several ways of playing, viz.

First. The party should consist of sixteen.* Draw lots, or otherwise agree who shall commence, and in what order the rest shall follow; then let the first person read the opening division of the Game, (comprising A and B) without spelling, and the rest follow in succession, each reading one division of the Game, only, and with the utmost rapidity.—EVERY BLUNDER LOSES ONE TO THE POOL.—When the last division of the Game is read, let the person who commenced change place with the one who concluded, and all the rest shift places too, that they who read the shorter divisions, may now read the longer ones; that done, let the party run through the whole again, and he who has made no blunder wins all the counters in the poll; while blunders must pay the forfeits usual in such cases.

Second. Two, three, or many (even sixteen persons) may read TOGETHER, and each must read the whole Game, as follows:—Let the second commence when the first has pronounced the first word; the third and the rest follow successively, in the same manner, taking care to imitate a laugh when they come to ha! ha! ha! and to pronounce illikipilliky, and other such words, in as droll a way as possible: This is merely to excite mirth, and the only forfeit is, for giving over before the whole is read.

Note.—Rapidity of utterance, and gesticulation are essential.

The hard words, (constituting the humour), are here collected, and may be learned prior to playing the game.


Bom-bar-di-ni-an, Ba-shaw.


Ha-met el Mam-et.


Kia Khan Kreuse.


Sac-cha-rum sweettooth.


* Two persons may play, if they read a division alternately.

A, Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

B, Bombardinian,

Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

C, Chrononhotonthologos,

who offered a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

D, Dicky Snip, the Taylor,

reading the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

E, Elephant

peeping in, as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

F, Fun!

cried the ’Prentice, and pricked the Elephant’s trunk with a Needle, who peeped in as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

G, Go it! go it! cried the Ele-

phant, and spouted mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

H, Ha! ha! ha! laughed Hamet

el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

I, Illikipilliky, cried Snip’s wife;

lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

K, Kia Khan Kreuse, the Conjurer,

transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, as Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

L, Little Tweedle gobbled them up,

when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

M, Muley Hassan, Mufti of

Moldavia, put on his Barnacles, to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

N, Never were such Times!

said Nicholas Hotch-Potch, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

O, Odds Nipperkins!

cried Mother Bunch on her broomstick, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

P, Poniatowsky said, to jail with

the Juggler and Jade, as Mother Bunch on her broomstick cried, Odds Nipperkins, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos

Q, Quack! quack! quack!

cried Sly Kia, and turned into a Duck, to escape from Poniatowsky, who said, to jail with the Juggler and Jade, as Mother Bunch on her broomstick cried, Odds Nipperkins, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

R, Ramo Samee really swallowed

a sword, as Sly Kia cried Quack! quack! quack! and turned into a Duck, to escape from Poniatowsky, who said, to jail with the Juggler and Jade, as Mother Bunch on her broomstick cried, Odds Nipperkins, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

S, Saccharum Sweet-tooth said

nothing, while Ramo Samee really swallowed a sword, as Sly Kia cried Quack! quack! quack! and turned into a Duck, to escape from Poniatowsky, who said, to jail with the Juggler and Jade, as Mother Bunch on her broomstick cried, Odds Nipperkins, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

T, U, V, W, X, Y. Toby Philpot

sat tippling with Umpo, Vumpo, and Willy Widemouth of Woolverhampton, when X & Y, two officers, brought in the culprit, while Saccharum Sweet-tooth said nothing, though Ramo Samee swallowed a sword, as Sly Kia cried Quack! quack! quack! and turned into a Duck, to escape from Poniatowsky, who said, to jail with the Juggler and Jade, as Mother Bunch on her broomstick cried, Odds Nipperkins, here’s a to do! as Nicholas Hotch-Potch said, Never were such Times, as Muley Hassan, Mufti of Moldavia, put on his Barnacles to see little Tweedle gobble them up, when Kia Khan Kreuse transmogrified them into Pippins, because Snip’s wife cried, Illikipilliky, lass a-day! ’tis too bad to titter at a body, when Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, laughed ha! ha! ha! on beholding the Elephant spout mud over the ’Prentice, who pricked his trunk with a needle, while Dicky Snip the Taylor read the Proclamation of Chrononhotonthologos, offering a thousand sequins for taking Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, who killed Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

Z, Here the spell ceased;

and each in his own form scampered away to claim the reward.—So off set X and Y, Willy Widemouth of Woolverhampton, Umpo, Vumpo, Toby Philpot, Saccharum Sweet-tooth, Ramo Samee, Poniatowsky, Mother Bunch on her Broomstick, Nicholas Hotch-Potch, little Tweedle, Kia Khan Kreuse, the Taylor’s wife, who cried, Illikipilliky, Hamet el Mammet, the bottle-nosed Barber of Balsora, the Elephant, the ’Prentice, and Dicky Snip the Taylor.—Zoroaster’s whiskers! exclaimed Chrononhotonthologos, here’s a posse comitatus! decapitate Bombardinian, Bashaw of three tails, and divide the sequins among you. So farewell, Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

While I’m here, here are a few old posts that seem somewhat relevant to this game:

  • Column A, featuring the “I went on a trip, and I took…” game. (The reader comments and addenda page for this column has more examples.)
  • Column N, about a memory game derived from the novelty song “The Indian Memory Trick.”
  • Column aa, which includes the “I love my love with an A” game.

2 Responses to “Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos”

  1. Status update – Lorem Ipsum

    […] a while transcribing an 1825 game/book, Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos, for Words & Stuff. And then a while longer poking at CSS to remove extraneous drop caps from that […]

  2. nj

    I wonder why there’s no section J, and why the Juggler and Jade are introduced in section P.


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