Archive for Ciphers/Secret Writing
I’ve always wondered what those mysterious “Cataloging in Publication” lines at the front of many printed American books meant. I knew they had something to do with the US Library of Congress, and they seemed to be an indication of where to file the book. They generally include the name of the author and some […]
I just skimmed a 32-page booklet called Cryptogram Solving, by M. E. Ohaver, published in 1933. It demonstrated to me that there is more to solving the kinds of cryptograms that used to run in newspapers than just applying the frequency table; but it also demonstrated to me that I don’t really want to learn […]
TIME magazine provides a list of 11 Great Secret Service Code Names. I don't love their discussions and presentation of the names, but I like the names themselves, from Paul...
Brian T posted a cryptic crossword clue recently, and Amy H posted the answer but used rot13 to avoid spoiling it for everyone else who might be trying to figure...
No, this entry isn't about the letter-tile game Bananagrams. (Some of my friends love it; if you're unfamiliar with it, take a look. But it doesn't really fit my head...