iPhone thoughts
Sarah L saw my previous post and pointed me to the pictures of the forthcoming iPhone Shuffle. :)
She also asked various questions about iPhone stuff, which led me to put together the following table of the iPhone's pros and cons for me (from what I've heard about it so far). Unless otherwise stated, the implicit comparisons are with my current Treo 650; also, the comparisons are relevant to me but some of them may not be remotely relevant to anyone else.
iPhone Pros | iPhone Cons |
Over on the MacRumors.com forums, there's a list of iPhone questions for new iPhone owners, in hopes that people who buy iPhones in the first day or two will answer the questions for people who are uncertain about various things. The questions range from the serious ("can you input text in landscape mode?") to the less serious ("Do angels sing when it's powered up?").
I'm almost certain I'm going to get one. The timing is tricky; I'm not going to get one on launch day, Friday the 29th (don't want to deal with the crowds, do want to wait for a few bits of information that probably won't be available 'til after launch); and I'm leaving for Boston on Monday the 2nd, so it seems like it might be a bad idea to switch to a completely new phone and carrier over the weekend before I leave town for three weeks. I could buy one while traveling, but that would mean that I wouldn't know until I got home about probably my most important factor, the question of how good the signal is at my house. (A colleague has offered to let me borrow his AT&T phone to try at my house, which I should probably do, but no way to tell whether the iPhone will have the same level of reception as other AT&T phones.)
Also, it seems to me Apple traditionally fails to provide enough of a new item to meet initial demand. There are rumors that that won't be true this time, but there are also rumors that it will be. I won't be surprised if all available units sell out that first night and there aren't any more to be had for a couple weeks after that. So I may have to wait 'til I get home from traveling regardless.