2011 movies
I watched 41 movies in 2011, including 8 that I had seen before.
(I rarely rewatch movies, but I've been buying favorites on Blu-Ray lately, so have taken the opportunity to see some of them again.)
The ones I rewatched were all among my favorites that I saw in 2011, but it seems silly to list those as favorites.
Of the ones I hadn't seen before, my favorites were:
- Rango
- See my review.
- The King's Speech
- Loved it, though (as I noted at the time) as usual with movies lately I would've liked to have seen more women with stronger roles.
- White Palace
- Funny and charming 1990 romantic(ish) comedy(ish) starring Susan Sarandon and James Spader. Has a bunch of really good stuff about class. I had somehow never heard of it, but I liked it quite a bit.
My least favorites were Married to the Mob (a complete waste of a talented cast) and Drive (probably my least favorite movie in years).