Your turn
Your Humble Blogger would like to thank Jed for his nifty comments widget; from now on, you, yes, you, Gentle Reader, can correct my egregious errors. In Real Time. This is, perhaps, a segue to the point that what I…
Your Humble Blogger would like to thank Jed for his nifty comments widget; from now on, you, yes, you, Gentle Reader, can correct my egregious errors. In Real Time. This is, perhaps, a segue to the point that what I…
A friend writes, in response to my earlier comment on Gandhi: “In the process of slogging through lifetime after lifetime one closes in on the harmonic understanding; which is paradoxical; because the understanding (as put in Albert Brooks’s movie “Defending…
This morning’s New York Times has an interesting article (regreq, as usual) about a production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado in Japan. Evidently, it had never been performed in Japan by a Japanese cast for a Japanese audience, until a…
Well, and Your Humble Blogger is up to the fifth of 21 Conservative Tenets, from Clinton Lawrence Rossiter’s book Conservatism in America (New York: Knopf © 1955). 5. The need for a ruling and serving aristocracy. This seems to me…
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had an editorial by Richard Perle defending his actions. It’s an interesting read. He talks quite seriously about the need for elected and appointed positions to be advised by Big Business, saying “Most often, the people…
Your Humble Blogger has been slacking lately; perhaps a way to get back into the swing of things is with another Conservative Tenet. When we last left our Conservative, he was up to … 4. The inevitability and necessity of…
It seems that the esteemed diplomat Rumsfeld is fomenting religious violence in Baghdad. There’s genius. There’s the groundwork for years of peace. There’s the thoughtful preparation for the long-term we expect from our administration. Hoo-Hah. I understand that we want…
Daniel Patrick Moynihan has died. It’s well worth reading the long obituary; he was a remarkable man, who was involved in our times at a very high level. In some ways, Sen. Moynihan (together with Sen. Byrd) personified the Idea…
I had just about reached the point of being able to decide whether or not I agree with: 3. The superiority of liberty to equality in the hierarchy of human values and social purposes. I had, for those of you…
Your Humble Blogger just happened upon this today; please don’t take it as timely political commentary. Still, my conflicted feelings about the current situation probably laid me open to this piece of Flash Animation art (or whatever it is; there…