Your Humble Blogger is still on about: 3. The superiority of liberty to equality in the hierarchy of human values and social purposes. Am I getting close to being able to either agree or disagree with this sentiment? Let’s see…
Another of my friends writes in reference my having recently said “I suspect I make the same logical errors myself. I find my nature changeable, so I believe human nature is changeable.” “How is human nature different from human personality?”…
Jed writes: Is it better for a Gandhi to expect the best from people — in hopes that they’ll rise to his expectations — or to have more realistic expectations, in hopes that they won’t give up on the whole…
I’ve just been reading Gandhi (and it’s a good day to read Gandhi), and was reminded of something I could have said in my note on Tenet 1. Gandhi is very interesting for me to read, because I admire him…
3. The superiority of liberty to equality in the hierarchy of human values and social purposes. As I was saying… If I say that liberty is superior to equality, I am not saying that liberty is inherently better than equality,…
It’s more or less 6:30pm in Baghdad, unless I’m very much mistaken, and the sun’s been down for twenty minutes or so. It looks like there may be war before dawn. Or maybe tomorrow – same bagh-time, same bagh-channel. I…
3. The superiority of liberty to equality in the hierarchy of human values and social purposes. This is a very tricky one. Of course, most of them are tricky, as is most serious thought. Does that mean Your Humble Blogger…
In Which Your Humble Blogger links to a story about a talking fish.
According to a recent Gallup Organization poll, more than half of young men think it is very likely or somewhat likely that someday they will be rich. Individually, I mean, not that they will all be rich. I’ll start over….
A correspondent has written to call Your Humble Blogger on some rhetorical sloppiness in my comment on the Second Conservative Tenet. I could plead that I simply passed along Mr. Rossiter’s sloppiness, but in fact, if I don’t at least…