Just came across a couple of terms I hadn't encountered before in an article about leaked US diplomatic memos: SIPDIS (applied to items for DIStribution on SIPRNet, the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network) and NOFORN (indicating that no foreigners (except perhaps some British and Australian people) should see the item thus described).
The US State Department provides a PDF describing When and How to Use SIPDIS (see also a Guardian article on SIPRNet), and the Federation of American Scientists supplies a PDF of an interesting 2005 memo about correct use of NOFORN.
I know that governmental abbreviations and terminology can often be cryptic, and that there are thousands of such terms out there; I have no interest in posting all of the publicly known ones here. But I was mildly amused by these two, and I wouldn't be surprised to see SIPDIS show up in spy novels and such (if it hasn't already).