Archive for Puns

Punny names

An assortment of real-life British punny names, with more in the comments following the article. Including a couple that are so British I didn't get them. It took me a...

comma sutra

This morning, the phrase "comma sutra" popped into my head, don't know why. I immediately thought it would make a good name for this blog, which I've been thinking of...

Cute tees

Happened across the BustedTees T-shirt company the other day. (Run by the people.) Most of the T-shirt companies I see have a bunch of crass, obnoxious, racist, sexist, and...

nn: Secret Identities

"'We name our fondlings in alphabetical order. The last was a S—Swubble, I named him. This was T—Twist, I named him. The next one as comes will be Unwin, and the next Vilkins. I have got names ready made to the end of the alphabet, and all the way through again when we come to […]