14 Responses to “More quizzes”

  1. chance

    not me – i was the chick in the vinyl dress – er i meam post modernist weirdo

  2. metasilk

    Matching you on both counts. Fancy that!

  3. Will

    There’s a button on the bottom of the results page labelled “show me all possible answers”. I was also a theory slut.

  4. Karen

    “You are a Tortured Conceptual Artist. Your fellow postmodernists call you an anachronism, but you’ve never cared much about the opinions of others. After all, most of them are far too simple-minded to appreciate the nuances of your work. They talk, while you are part of a lived tradition.”

    Not really.

    Probably this quiz would have worked out better for me if I didn’t loathe the term PoMo so much.

  5. Stephen Sample

    Apparently I am a Grassroots Activist who is the Victim of an Arranged Marriage. I don’t buy the second bit, but the first fits with my ideals at least.

    I wish there were an option to answer “none of the above”, though, because I don’t have an answer for the last question. Of the three people on that list whose hotness I actually have an opinion about, all of them are “no, not really” for me. On the other hand, not partaking of the opiates of the masses seems appropriate for a Grassroots Activist, so my lack of opinion there is probably confirmatory 😉

  6. David Moles

    Bookish grassroots activist or bookish gender nazi. I’ll buy bookish, but the PoMo quiz needs some serious work.

  7. Jason Erik Lundberg

    Also a Theory Slut, which I really am not, especially after taking a class in literary postmodernism this semester and pounding my brain against the wall. Barthes, Blanchot, Baudrillard, Derrida…bam bam bam bam!

  8. Christopher Rowe

    I was the kind of romance heroine that rides horses and consorts with smugglers, whichever one that it is. I was told that I am in no way Post-Modern. Both results were as welcome as they were unsurprising.

  9. Vera

    “Theory Slut” and “On The Shelf” here.

  10. Mary Anne

    I am a Gender Nazi, and the Belle of the Ball! Woohoo!

  11. doug

    It was no surprise to learn that I was a Grassroot Activist. However, I don’t know anybody with scabbies…at least not currently. Although a few months back there was an outbreak a few houses down…

    Down with the Man!!

  12. SarahP

    Me and Mary Anne, both Belles of the Balls. Hrm.

    Also a theory slut so yeah, the quiz needs work.

  13. Shmuel

    “You are a Revisionist Historian. You are the Clark Kent of postmodernists. You probably want to work in a library or in social services. No one suspects you of being a postmodernist… until they read your publications!”

  14. Nalo

    Bookish Gender Nazi. Bookish is pretty good, but I really wanted to be a Hoyden. *sigh*


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