
I pointed Slashdot to Lucy Snyder's SH article on "Installing Linux on a Dead Badger," and they posted the link. Woo-hoo! (This is only the second time Slashdot has posted an item I've submitted.)

So if you have trouble reaching the SH site on Wednesday, you'll know why.

(For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon: sites linked to by Slashdot often get overwhelmed, or "Slashdotted," by the volume of resulting traffic. But I don't actually think that'll happen in this case.)

Heh—I just realized that this journal is probably getting a fair tad bit of extra traffic too, since my name (in the Slashdot posting) is linked to here. So, um, if you're here from Slashdot, hi 'n' stuff. My journal entries aren't normally as dull as these last few have been.

2 Responses to “Slashdotting”

  1. Sam from Slashdot


  2. Tempest

    That happened to FB last week. We got Gaimaned. 😉


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