WFC, sleep

Got home from WFC about half an hour ago, did a few essential magazine things, can barely keep eyes open, must sleep.

In case you want to know who won the World Fantasy Awards, see Cheryl's blog. Congratulations to all, but particular congratulations to SH contributors Jo Walton and Bruce Holland Rogers. (As with the recent Hugo and Campbell winners, these awards are for work unrelated to SH, but I'm still particularly pleased to see them win.) Oh, and Bruce's winning story was in Polyphony 3, so congratulations to Wheatland Press as well! I bought Bruce's collection Thirteen Ways to Water to celebrate.

I could babble on about the con—interesting in various ways, saw a bunch of cool people, got to meet a bunch of folks I hadn't previously met, attended a total of half a panel, bought a bunch of books, had fun at the SH tea party, was delighted to get contributor copies of All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, etc—but really really must sleep.

Oh, but if you haven't checked out the All-Star Stories page lately, take a look; not only can you read contributor bios for the zeppelin book, you can also read the guidelines for David and Susan's forthcoming new anthology, Twenty Epics.

Sleep calls out to me. I shall resist no longer.

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