Readers’ Choice deadline approaching
You've only got a few days left to vote in the Strange Horizons Readers' Choice award for work we published in 2004. If you've been meaning to vote but haven't done so yet, please stop by and vote!
Also, two items were inadvertently left off the ballot: Myke Cole's review of China Miéville's Iron Council, and David Deen's illustration for "Why I Am Not Gorilla Girl." We added the illustration a few weeks ago (as I mentioned in passing at the time), but we only just added the review a few days ago. So if you wanted to vote for either of those two items but didn't see them on the ballot, stop by the voting page and enter your email address (the same one you used to vote originally) in the "Recover" text box at the bottom of the page, and the system will show you your ballot and let you make changes.