All year, I've been pretty much assuming I was going to NASFiC, a.k.a. Cascadia Con (the North American sf convention that happens in years when WorldCon is overseas). It'll be the fifth anniversary of SH's launch, it'll be in the US so more of our contributors seemed likely to come to it (than to WorldCon), it'll be in SeaTac, which is a fairly short hop up the coast from here.

But it turns out Susan and Karen aren't going; Mary Anne's uncertain; in fact, the only person I know who's definitely said they're going is David M. I don't think any of the SH staff will be there. We haven't planned a tea party, and I'm not up to doing so, so if M doesn't go, we probably won't have one. (I did get as far as exchanging email with the Party Maven about possibilities, though.)

I hate the idea of not having a fifth-anniversary celebration. It seems like a big deal to me. But it's beginning to seem like more hassle than it's worth.

We could have such a celebration at World Fantasy in Madison; Karen will be there, at least. But I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to that either. (But that shouldn't stop people from having a party, of course!) And it's a much smaller con, probably less online-publication-friendly (judging by my impressions of last year's WFC, anyway), and it'll be two months after the actual anniversary.

I bought plane tickets to NASFiC yesterday, but they're the fully refundable variety. And I reserved a hotel room, but I can cancel that up to the last minute. (And the con hotel is sold out, so my room is in the secondary hotel a mile away.) And I almost bought a membership, because yesterday was the last day to buy them in advance, but the website still has an expired security certificate, and I kept waffling, and I ended up not doing it. So if I were to go, I'd have to get a membership at the door.

Dunno. Right now it's seeming like too much expense and energy. But I would probably regret not going.

But I guess I have a little more time left in which to decide.

Okay, off to work I go.

9 Responses to “NASFiC”

  1. Susan

    The fifth anniversary absolutely seems like a big deal to me, and I had all sorts of great ideas about how to celebrate it, but the timing is miserable–we’re stretched a little thin, staff-wise, and I can’t possibly put any extra energy in, because I need all of my extra energy for the dissertation. But just so you know, I’m snippy and resistant to talking about it not because I don’t think we should do a big fifth-anniversary thing. It’s because I -do- think we should do one, and I really want us to, and I’m frustrated by the fact that it’s not likely to happen.

  2. Hannah

    Woooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrld Fantasy!

    How about at Wiscon in the spring? It seems like a nice chunk of the SH staff (and SH fans) usually turns out for that, and it’s already an anniversary con. And gives you a bit more time to plan.

    That would make it, I guess, a five-year-and-change anniversary. But maybe a little inaccuracy would be better than stress or loneliness?

  3. Jay Lake

    I’ll be there, if that’s any inducement…

  4. chance

    I concur with Hannah’s excellent suggestion (and not just because I won’t be there for NASFic)

  5. Tom Galloway

    For what it’s worth, I’ve decided to go to NASFiC and, while not associated with SH, I’d be glad to help out with anything you decide to do.

  6. Samantha Henderson

    I’m going to Nasfic, and would be happy to help with a party depending on when my panels are. Pleeease go!

  7. Lisa Mantchev

    I’ll also be at NASFiC (and I’m a relative local, living on the Olympic Peninsula) so if you need help setting up a celebration, I’d be more than happy to help…

  8. Scott Janssens

    If you do end up doing a celebration at NASFIC, that doesn’t mean you can’t do one at WFC as well. What? I like tea.

  9. SarahP

    World Fantasy YES!!!!

    I’m MORE than happy to help organize a SH do at WFC, just say the word.


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