
Didn't wear earplugs last night; Sunday morning is the one morning I can be sure that the noisy business beyond my back fence won't be making noise at 5 a.m.

I woke up in the middle of the night for no clear reason. Slowly came awake; got to the point of being barely awake enough to consciously decide to go back to sleep; then there was a vaguely electronic noise. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the noise just in time to see my computer wake up from sleep.

It's not supposed to do that. There are things you can do to make OS X wake up automatically (at a certain time, for example), but I never set any of those settings. I looked at the clock; it was 3:00 a.m. After a few tense moments, I got up and put the computer to sleep again and went back to bed. I came up with the vaguely rational thought that perhaps I had another mouse and it had run across the keyboard (though I've seen no evidence of mice in some time), and I guess I was sleepy enough to be able to get back to sleep pretty quickly despite being thoroughly spooked.

This morning, I have a theory. I had accidentally left my digital camera connected to my computer last night after finishing downloading photos from it; unfortunately, I've set the camera to not turn itself off while it's connected to the computer ('cause if I do have it turn itself off, it does so while still downloading photos—it's timer-based, not inactivity-based). So I think the camera's battery ran out, and it sent some sort of "turning myself off now" message to the computer, and the computer woke up.

That's all speculation, but it makes marginally more sense to me than the mouse theory, especially given the noise (which could've been the camera shutting down or something) and the lack of other evidence of mice.

2 Responses to “Spooky”

  1. Anna Feruglio Dal Dan

    Have you checked for earthquakes? You live in Seattle, right?

  2. Jed

    Nope, no recent earthquakes. Good idea, though. (Though I don’t think an earthquake would wake up my computer; there’s no external mouse attached, so you have to press a key on the keyboard to wake it up.)

    I live in California, near San José. South of San Francisco.


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