Week 1

Submission volume dropped a lot in the second half of the week. We had a total of 90 submissions from Sunday through Wednesday, but then only another 31 from Thursday through Saturday.

Of course, that's still an average of over 10 a day over those last three days, which is still significantly higher than any normal week. But 10 a day is a lot more manageable than 22 a day.

Anyway, so the week's total came to 121 submissions, handily beating the previous record of 101 in an official week. (And barely beating the previous record of 120 in a seven-day period not starting with a Sunday, in the first seven days of 2004.)

I offer no predictions about coming days or weeks. Something I should've explicitly said at some point this past week: these reports are honestly not meant to discourage anyone from submitting. If you try to wait 'til we're having a low-volume week, you'll probably be waiting for months, and I know many writers are experts at finding excuses not to submit their work.

Still, I confess I'm relieved that my initial projection of 170 subs this week didn't come true.

Jetse, what was the total for IZ for the week? I've been meaning to respond to your comments, but haven't gotten around to it; hope to do that soon. For now I'll just say: thanks for the data!

3 Responses to “Week 1”

  1. Anna Feruglio Dal Dan

    I was about to say something jokey about discouraging submissions, but I won’t. These posts have actually reminded me that I ought to submit something to you guys. As soon as I’ve finished vacuuming the living room, that is… and the stairs… and the windows really need cleaning…

  2. Jetse

    For Interzone the total was 125.

    To recap:

    Sunday — 23
    Monday — 28
    Tuesday — 18
    Wednesday — 18
    Thursday — 15
    Friday — 13
    Saturday — 10

    Only the first week of August 2005 was more (it started crazy, but dropped faster): 35, 30, 18, 17, 19, 8 and 6: totalling 133. August 2005 eventually was 373 total, so my estimate for January 2006 is about 350. Of course, I do have a small deadline crush (on the last days, the numbers climb up to 20).

    I’m away for business for a week, so not sure how my internet accessibility is. I should be back next Saturday.

  3. Jetse

    Excuse me: I received an error message every time I tried to post. This error message did let me go back to the previous web page, so I tried to post again, resulting in the same error message.
    But it wouldn’t let me go to the page directly. So I closed my browser and logged in again, to see that all my three tries *did* succeed.


    Do feel free to delete this message and the two duplicates, Jed.

    (I should go to bed 😉


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