Last chance for cute hamster T-shirt

Over at cuteoverload, today (Friday the 31st) is the last day to order the first official T-shirt, featuring a stylized version of a hamster with a grain of corn photo.

The shirt isn't really my style, and the photo isn't my favorite from the site. But I figured some of y'all might be interested, and I think the shirt won't be reprinted, so figured it was worth mentioning.

Much to my surprise, I'm finding that I'm more a baby hedgehog kind of guy.

. . . The fact that I've typed "teh" for "the" five or six times so far this entry makes me think it's probably time for me to go to sleep.

One Response to “Last chance for cute hamster T-shirt”

  1. Aliette de Bodard

    Thanks for the link ! My boyfriend is definitely a big fan of the hamster. But I don’t think he actually wants the T-shirt 😉

    I have to admit the baby hedgehog is cuter. It’s the “I’m not awake yet” gaze that does it.


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