Archive for Art

Weird Apple image-display bug

Update: This issue has been more or less resolved; it turns out that the images in question had CMYK color profiles attached rather than RGB color profiles, so Apple software was (possibly correctly) displaying them in a way that the designer hadn’t intended. Leaving the post in place for historical purposes. The other night, I […]

Wingspan: game or art?

Interesting article about Wingspan, which I’m posting mostly because it’s such a different perception of the game from mine. Though I’m also posting it because it includes interesting stuff about Elizabeth Hargrave and her process of developing the game, and how her success is helping to open the door to more diversity among game designers. […]

Cylinder seals, ancient and modern

I was labeling photos just now of ancient cylinder seals, and it occurred to me that cylindrical rubber stamps might be fun for modern crafting. Turns out that I was not, of course, the first person to think of that. Here are some links. A couple of pages suggest using foam stickers on a cylinder, […]

Artist Hugos

At this morning’s WSFS Business Meeting, there turned out to be some strong opinions about how to revise (or not revise) the Fan Artist and Pro Artist Hugo Award categories. In the end, the Business Meeting decided to refer the issue to a committee, which will report back at next year’s Business Meeting in Dublin. […]


Yesterday, I met Jane and John Kostick, the creators of many delightful and amazing and lovely 3D-geometrical art puzzles and structures, mostly in wood and metal. Their website shows a bunch of their work. Their YouTube channel shows videos of the construction and/or use of various pieces. And their Facebook page provides some more photos […]