Archive for Art
AI tools to generate art from text descriptions
Wingspan: game or art?
Cylinder seals, ancient and modern
Artist Hugos
Some Monets I liked
In 2012, I saw a Monet exhibit (in Las Vegas, I think), and took some notes on paintings I particularly...
Hugo pro artists: more than just what’s in the packet
In this year's Hugo voter packet, five pro artists provided samples of their work. Unfortunately, one of the six nominated...
Hugo recommendations
I've been meaning for months to blog about specific works and people I'm going to nominate for the Hugos, and...
Female sf artists and the Hugo ballot
Jenn just linked to a great piece by Justin Landon about the paucity of female sf artists on award ballots...
The case of the missing gargoyles
Two months ago, I ordered two Campania garden gargoyles from the local retailer, a place called Bloomster's in San José....
Strangers making connections
Jhayne points to a fascinating and odd 3-minute video about a photographer who gets strangers to pose with each other...