WisCon 2007 notes

Hotel rooms for WisCon 31 are going fast; already there are no Governor's Club rooms left. The hotel will sell out before the con, so if you're planning to go and you don't already have a room, you should stop by the Concourse Hotel web page and reserve a room. Use attendee code WISCON31 (no spaces) to get the WisCon rate. Alternatively, call the hotel (800-356-8293) and tell them you want the WisCon rate. The con officially runs from Friday, May 25, through Monday, May 28, 2007 (but there may be con-related activities starting as early as that Wednesday night).

In case you want an incentive to go (beyond the usual, I mean): this year's guests of honor are Kelly Link and Laurie J. Marks.

Membership will again be capped at 1000 attendees, so if you want to be sure of getting in, and you don't already have a membership, go register.

One more thing: Suggest program items! Deadline is January 15, so don't delay. Aaron L. and Lori S. are running programming this year, and in addition to the regular-format panels, they're hoping to do some other formats for some items ("such as debate, round-table, or swim-noodle jousting"), so don't be afraid to suggest outside the box. Also, if you follow that link you can view the panel suggestions others have already made (there are a bunch of really cool ideas there) and even rate the existing suggestions (in terms of whether you think a given panel should happen or not).

I got the above info from the email newsletter, the eCube. If you, too, want to be kept up-to-date on WisCon developments, all you have to do is follow that link and give them your email address.

Added later: one more thing: I either didn't know or hadn't remembered that WisCon has an online discussion forum. Traffic there appears to be pretty low so far, but that could change if, say, more people were to post there. Hint hint.

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