More CC licenses at SH

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, some of the pieces we've published at Strange Horizons are now Creative-Commons-licensed.

Below are some CC-licensed works I didn't mention last time, 'cause I was awaiting final author confirmation. As before, different authors have chosen different licenses, so read the license before doing anything with these works. As before, I'm not explicitly listing the dates of publication; for these items, publication years range from 2001 through 2007.

Ken Brady

Feel of Heaven, Texture of Hell
He rested his chin in front of the pin box on the black bedroom dresser and watched the pins slide slowly, one at a time, toward his face.
Emergency Claus
Santa comes down the chimney of rotorwash on a static line and hits the ground hard. When he gets up, he's already firing.

H. Courreges LeBlanc

The big flying turtle was about set to barbeque downtown Tokyo when the drive bell rang, and up sluiced a car so damn gorgeous it hurt to look at it.
Base personality my ass. Yigs didn't have one, not even retreads. But people believed what they needed. They were all of them blinded by emotion.

David Lunde

Dark & Light
Dark / is the natural state of things

Ruth Nestvold

The Leaving Sweater
Growing up in remote Rolynka, Alaska, in the middle of the last century, Victoria Askew never really learned the trick of how to leave.

Benjamin Rosenbaum

The House Beyond Your Sky
Among the ontotropes, transverse to the space we know, Matthias is making something new.

There are still a few others in progress (including the rest of Ben's stories), but I figured I might as well post the ones that are confirmed and ready.


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