Had a good WisCon, home now
I'd love to sit down and write a long entry about WisCon, seeing friends, making new friends, the panels I was on (really enjoyed the "cyborg living" panel), the panels and reading I attended (including a good panel on disability metaphor, and another good panel called "Getting It Wrong Gracefully" about stuff like RaceFail and MammothFail—link is to Liz H's summary/transcript of most of the panel), sadness about various friends not being there, the Tiptree auction, the GoH speeches, conversations and lunches, etc.
I would also love to sit down and write about the great conversation Ben and Mary Anne and I had in the car on the way back to Chicago (partly developing a theory of Mary Anne's Mutant Leadership Powers, partly discussing interaction styles and the differences between people who like doing what others ask them to do (but who don't ask for things themselves) and the people who like asking others to do things for them, partly justifying the divine right of kings (it made sense in context), partly a bunch of other stuff).
I could also write some about spending a couple of subsequent days in Chicago.
And on unrelated notes, there are various same-sex marriage developments I'd like to write about.
Sadly, I'm operating on minimal sleep (about 5 hours a night at WisCon, and under 5 hours on Tues and Weds nights, though I did sleep on the plane), and I have about 24 hours before the movers show up and 48 hours before my tenants start moving in, and several projects at work to finish.
So blog entries from me are likely to be sparse for a bit.
But the short version is that I had a good time at WisCon (despite the absence of people I'd have wanted to see) and that I made it home safe. Hope that's also true for the rest of y'all who were there.
Technorati tag: wiscon.