Photos of condo

I've posted a set of photos of my condo. I'll include a couple of photos on the paper flyer that we're giving out to potentially interested people, plus a URL for more photos.

There are 37 photos in the set, which is more than necessary but I think not so many as to be overwhelming. But I could remove some.

So if any of you have any suggestions—photos in that set that you particularly like or particularly think I should remove—let me know.

I took some of them, but most of the best ones are by Kam.

They were taken at several different times. I included a couple from after the new carpet and paint but before the staging, but I'm not sure whether that's a good idea or not; maybe I should only include the staged ones?

And there may be a couple too many of various areas.

Anyway, I can't guarantee that I will follow anyone's advice, but suggestions are welcome.

Oh, btw, the place is now listed at MLS. If you know anyone who might be interested, let me know.

4 Responses to “Photos of condo”

  1. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    I’d take out all the empty room photos (they consistently make the rooms look smaller to me, which I didn’t anticipate — also, they just confuse the presentation, I think, to have both versions of the rooms).

    And I’d probably cut about half of what’s left. While I like having a good number of photos when I’m looking at listings, this feels like way too many, and several are boring or not particularly appealing. Not bad, but not grabby. (Think of the photos like the opening paragraphs of your story — your goal is to hook the reader and make them actually want to keep reading…or in your case, make them want to actually come see the place.)

    Also, you like your patio too much. It’s pretty, yes, but people want to see living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. Not four photos of a patio. 🙂

    I’d keep these, that seem clearly attractive and appealing:

    Back view
    Living room, occupied (and take the ‘occupied’ descriptor off)
    Dining area, occupied
    Dining area
    Kitchen (#24, the one with the window)
    Master bedroom (#29, the one with the bed in the mirror)
    Second bedroom (#33)
    Entryway (#35)

    Optional (not as directly appealing, but informational, and not unattractive):
    Front door and entryway

    I’d cut the rest. And for what it’s worth, I think the staging was definitely worthwhile (though it’s *slightly* more cluttered than I would think optimal), and probably changing out the carpets too.

    Good luck!

  2. Michael

    I’d recommend 8, 9, 11, 14, 17, 24, 29, 32, and either 35 or 36. I’d also like to see a photo of the front from the outside that more clearly features the front door.

  3. Michael

    The photos on the MLS listing are good, and include that front photo I was looking for.

  4. Jay Hartman

    Terrific Pix! Very well done and nice job to Kam.

    I saw a study recently that said kids were just as happy having fewer toys…I forget the numbers, but kids didn’t like the dizzying choices offered by a gazillion toys. Similar concept I think holds on real estate pix. Less is sometimes more. In some real estate marketing efforts I’ve been involved with, we limit ourselves to six pix. But for your condo sale, more than six is fine. I would eliminate 17 of your pix (37 is my unlucky number, I think you know why), starting with any interior shots of unstaged rooms.

    According to Jay’s made-up fictional poll, 79% of people shopping on internet real estate sites stopped paying attention after 20 pix.


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