Upcoming events and other stuff

Suddenly it seems like there are many Things going on around here:

  • This weekend in Vallejo: NorCal Pirate Festival. Entertainers, pirates, tall ships, a ship-to-shore battle.
  • In San Francisco until July 24: Tales of the City: The Musical at A.C.T. I've heard good things about it.
  • In movie theatres nationwide on Thursday the 16th and Sunday the 19th: Quasi-movie version of Sondheim's Company, featuring the NY Philharmonic, Neil Patrick Harris, Patti LuPone, Stephen Colbert, et alia. I'm not clear on whether this is a full performance of the show (with costumes and acting) or just a “concert” performance (with singers standing at mics), but either way I'm inclined to see it, though I've never seen or heard the show before.

And that's not even counting the regular movies in theatres I want to see (X-Men, Green Lantern, maybe Pirates 4, more coming soon). And the Blu-Ray version of the extended Lord of the Rings movies is coming out in two weeks. (I haven't seen the extended versions yet.) And I haven't yet finished Portal 2, and I haven't yet started Mass Effect 2, and I just bought three or four boardgames that I'm looking forward to playing. And I'm trying to read and watch Hugo-nominated stuff, so I want to watch the Scott Pilgrim movie, but I'm trying to decide whether to read the whole comics series before watching the movie. (I've now read vol. 1 and I just can't decide what to make of it.) Meanwhile, I'm still reading and enjoying Birds of Prey, and I'm in the middle of two or three prose books.

And Kam gets home in a couple of days from a couple weeks of travel.

And the weather is nice enough that if I can get over this cough, I'd like to try sailing again.

And this year's Westercon is in San José the first weekend of July.

I'm not sure how I'm going to find time to read subs. . . .

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