Stepping down, one step at a time

On July 23, I sent my last SH rejection.

On August 1, I read my last SH submission.

On August 8 (yesterday), I attended my last SH fiction-editor meeting.

I think the only major things left on my fiction-department to-do list are:

  • Finish editing my last four stories. (One is almost done, one is half done, and two more aren't started.)
  • Finish some database work so the editors can do various things without my help.
  • Put various form letters and documents where the editors have access to them. (As David M indicated some years back, it's kind of amazing (and unfortunate) how much of the fiction department's infrastructure has been living on my laptop all these years.)

I'm still sad about all this, but it's still absolutely the right choice, and the new editors continue to be awesome.

I think the plan is for me to be entirely done by WorldCon, three weeks from now.

Speaking of WorldCon: It looks like we'll be having a tea party there. Stop by and meet two of the new fiction editors! Details to follow when finalized.

2 Responses to “Stepping down, one step at a time”

  1. jaipur

    Congrats if I didn’t say so before–it’s a big step to take and it’ll be very interesting to see where you go next. 🙂 (Oh, the places you’ll go! 🙂

  2. Jed

    🙂 Thanks!


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