Thought it was worth pointing to Zak's page listing non-American news sources, as well as a huge (and slow-loading) page...
The first thing that made me cry Wednesday morning was a note of hope from novelist Liz Gilbert, printed in...
My favorite columnist, Jon Carroll, wrote a column on Wednesday that I thought was a good start toward a sane...
Provides some info on new airport-security regulations, though not as much detail as one might wish for. I poked around...
I'd be surprised if there's anyone on the Web who doesn't yet know that Amazon is waiving their usual fee...
Hard to get information out of a disaster area; the phone lines are always clogged. High tech to the rescue:...
Not quite ready to begin the deluge of information and discussion that I'm intending here, so I'll start by providing...
I had a hard time deciding, that day, whether to stay home where I had a Net connection, or go...
We had lunch with Gerry in downtown Mountain View. The radio at the sandwich shop was going. After lunch, we...
Everyone's got a story. Tuesday morning, my first clue that something was wrong came after I finished my final editing...
...After all that fuss, I ended up not getting a chance to add more entries today after all, so I...
I got a little carried away in my first entry, which was early this morning; it got really long. So...