Yet another personality test (LotR)

It's like an addiction. They're dumb, they're irrelevant, and yet people put them up on the Web and I take them, even when (as tonight) I'm busy working toward a deadline. This one is a LotR personality test based on Myers-Briggs; my guess is they started with an abbreviated Myers-Briggs test/Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and assigned a LotR character to each of the types. Apparently, I'm most like Frodo. "Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic." Huh.

What I want to know is why nobody's yet done a "which knight of the Round Table are you?" quiz. Or maybe I just haven't seen it yet.

One Response to “Yet another personality test (LotR)”

  1. Jed

    I’ve deleted a series of 11 comments on this entry that claimed to be from one person who found Elijah Wood ultra-sexy and another person who felt he isn’t as hot as all the male actors in the Harry Potter movies. All of these comments came from the same IP address, in rapid succession, so I assume they were all posted by one person who felt like playing games with my comments. Although they weren’t technically spam, and I normally don’t delete comments unless they’re actually spam, I decided to delete these. I’m really not in the mood for this sort of thing, especially the namecalling and the all-caps posts and the extreme repetitiveness.

    So, note to random strangers who stop by here: You’re welcome to post about your crushes, but please (a) don’t repeat yourself, (b) learn to use the Shift key appropriately, (c) be funnier if you want to post jokes, and (d) don’t pretend to be multiple people (unless doing so will make the jokes significantly funnier).

    Oh, and btw, you’re “both” wrong: Viggo Mortensen is much hotter than Elijah Wood and all the Harry Potter actors put together. So there.


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