Web too distracting!

I'm trying to read and edit subs, honest. Have gotten through a bunch of 'em. But things keep coming up. Like tanaise's link to this lovely review of a juvenile Felis cattus. Very entertaining, filled with adorably cute photos, contains many nice links. One of my favorite lines:

Kittens are not typically provided with more than a cursory Getting Started Guide, and often come with no documentation at all.

Concludes with a chart comparing "the relative merits of four options for the computer enthusiast—a kitten, a puppy, a baby, and (as a representative example of the more usual kind of home information technology purchase) a new video card."

One Response to “Web too distracting!”

  1. celia

    Woohoo! I’m more interesting than a pile of slush. Well, at least my LJ is. So there, Tempest.


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