New mini Wallace and Gromit short

Soccamatic is the latest very short (2 min.) Wallace & Gromit movie from Nick Park. Not brilliant, but fun, and free to download.

3 Responses to “New mini Wallace and Gromit short”

  1. Will

    Hate to put a damper on the “new Wallace & Gromit” excitement, but “Soccamatic” and the other nine Cracking Contraptions Wallace & Gromit shorts have been out for over a year….

  2. Jed

    Thanks for the info! I hadn’t realized it wasn’t new. Do you happen to know if the others are available online?

  3. Will

    There was some way to pay for a computer license to view all of them online, but that doesn’t sound worth it to me.

    Only Region-2 (UK) DVDs are available, and only from Aardman directly who won’t ship to America. But you can find the DVDs on eBay, and one of these days I’ll order one (as I do conveniently have an all-region PowerBook).

    So I confess, I haven’t actually seen any of them besides Soccamatic yet….


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