A little more info

Nancy's arraignment was yesterday, so there are now news articles with more info. Here's one from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and another from the same paper/site. The articles I've seen seem to be pretty accurate based on my understanding of what happened, though some are more lurid than others, and there's plenty more info that isn't included.

Today we went to the funeral home/crematorium, then to talk with an attorney, then to the house, where we spent a few hours looking for financial papers and such. It was a long and difficult day.

After dinner, I was driving back to our hotel, and I got two blocks from my cousin's house where we'd had dinner and I pulled up behind another car at a stoplight and then someone nearby started yelling, and jumped out of another nearby car, and ran up to the car in front of us and started pounding on it with, of all things, a crutch. I panicked. I backed up about half a block on a city street while Kam called 911 on my cell phone. I managed to get the car to the side of the road, and I sat there and shook for a while while Kam went to talk with the police. I called Mary Anne briefly, and she was soothing, and then Kam came back and took over the driving.

(Earlier in the day, someone was weaving at very high speed through freeway traffic, zigzagging across the road and passing on the shoulder, at maybe ten miles an hour above the regular freeway speed that the rest of traffic was going at. For one horrible moment I thought they were going to slam into the back of my brother's car. Did I mention it was a long day?)

I started a list of things I've been thankful for these past few days, but Kam's falling asleep (we're sitting at a Starbucks near Tacoma Mall) so I'm going to stop here. More sometime soon, most likely.

10 Responses to “A little more info”

  1. Lola

    Oh, honey… take it as easy as you can. Remember that there are so many people who will bear as much as we can for you and with you, to make your burden even just a little tiny bit lighter. I’m really glad Kam is there. I’m just at such a loss for words, but please know I’m thinking of you.

    **sending you long hugs and safe driving energy**

  2. Mya

    I’ve been thinking of you and your brother every day. I wish there were something I could do to make it easier/better, but I know this has changed your world forever.

    If you want anything, if there’s anything I can do, just let me know.

  3. Chaos

    Wow. :>(

    You sound impressively together — i hope you take the chance to fall apart if you need it.

    Mostly, i’m just commenting again as part of the campaign to flood your inbox^H^H^H^H^H remind you that you are in our thoughts, and that we’re wishing you the best possible. Good luck, and more hugs.

  4. Trent

    Hang in there, Jed.

  5. Chris Bridges

    Be strong when you can, and weep when you need to.

  6. Amy

    I just heard, Jed. I’m so very, very sorry. Our thoughts are with you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Amy & Jeremy

  7. Lisa Van Stone

    Oh, Jed, I’m so, so sorry. If there is anything at all we can do to help, please let us know.

    Lisa Van Stone

  8. Zed

    I am so sorry, Jed.

  9. jay hartman

    The car that passed us zigging on the freeway was going at least 30mph faster than the rest of us!!

    But on a serious note, I’m heartened to see the love and support for Jed here.

    Ever since I received the first call from the medical examiner’s office on Tuesday morning, and then made the calls to Jed and my uncles, I have more or less been in melt-down mode.

    Like Jed, I have an unbelievable group of friends who have been reaching out to me, and several of whom dropped everything and flew to Washington to be with me.

    Finally, you should all know that Jed has been the epitome of a great brother this week. His ability to remain calm in the middle of a catastrophe is remarkable. And Kam…there are not enough superlatives to describe…what can I say? Incredible support, strength and courage. My wife Holly and I have vowed to drop everything if Kam ever needs us.

    I spent the morning eulogizing my father, so I won’t say much here, to avoid another meltdown. I will end this by saying that Peter was proud of his sons, and he let us know, which gave me the courage to face a lifetime.

  10. metasilk

    Still thinking of you, sending you love and hugs from both Rick and me, and a cooing gurgle from Morgan, too.


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