So enough about pirates. As I was walking back to my desk this evening, I saw a guy dressed somewhat like a pirate calling out to some friends: "Remember, Sneak Like a Ninja Day is October 19!"
I was very amused.
Wasn't sure whether this was an official movement, so I Googled it. Couldn't find any references to it being a specific day, but I did find a bunch of other ninja-related items:
For example, there's an early reference to Sneak Like a Ninja Day (plus some entertaining banter) at Barbelith.
(Irrelevant aside: Barbelith is where I found the line "camels are ships of the [desert] ... bicycles are ... ummmm ... kayaks of the highway?")
And it turns out that some other group has designated December 5 as Day of the Ninja. Doesn't that sound like a bad horror movie?
They provide links to some French ninja photos. (I was going to say that ninja don't usually show cleavage, but what do I know about French ninja? And anyway, I suppose Elektra disproves my generalization.)
Also info on how to turn a T-shirt into a ninja mask.
And how to make origami shuriken.
Oh, okay, back to pirates for one last item: Ask a Ninja reviews Pirates 2. Most of the "Ask a Ninja" pieces I've seen haven't struck my funnybone, but I like a bit near the end of this one that goes something like this:
If you don't know Keira Knightley, she's kind of a slightly more mannish version of Orlando Bloom. [...] I don't know that there actually was a director, but I'm told--a name came up and it said Gore Verbinski. I'll tell you this much, it could have used a lot more gore and a lot less verbinski. [...] Ninjas of the Caribbean would be a great movie.
Clearly the third movie in that series would have to be Robots of the Caribbean.
I think I'd better go to bed before I get much punchier.