
Arr, me hearties! Today was, of course, Talk Like a Pirate Day, as I'm sure you all knew.

One of the creators of TLaPD is John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur. His family participated in ABC's show "Wife Swap" (in which the woman in a family switches households for a couple weeks with the woman in another very different family); Tori "Mad Sally" Baur describes the experience in an article on Keep to the Code, the official Pirates of the Caribbean fan site: "Pirates Invade ABC Television's 'Wife Swap' In Season Opener."

Meanwhile, the video everyone is linking to is How to Talk Like a Pirate. You can tell the narrator is Canadian by the way he says "been."

That's not to be confused with Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Five A's, a slightly less silly video by The Pirate Guys.

Meanwhile, A.Word.A.Day is doing a series of pirate-related words. Today's word: Jolly Roger.

For some more piracy, see The Editing Room's Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: The Abridged Script, by Rod Hilton. Most notable for the actor name "Stellan Skarrrrsgarrrrd."

Oh, and if you want your very own pirate sword, Southwest Blades appears to be the place to go.

Language Log got into the action a year ago with an entry on R!?, featuring the ubiquitous Corsair Ergonomic Keyboard For Pirates photo, plus a bunch of linguistic discussion of pirate language, historical and apocryphal.

Here's some Howard Pyle pirate art, plus odd MP3 files of a computer-generated voice reading Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates.

Finally, I'm pleased to see that Google customer support enjoys celebratin' horlidays.

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